Article 1


The aim of the Directives on Student Exchange Program is to promote international academic communication of University College Bedër, boost student exchange program and increase the collaboration of university with contracted universities or higher educations institutions abroad.

The students in exchange program are confined to those who are currently registered in the universities or higher education institutions contracted with University College Bedër.

Article 2

Definition: “Home” and “Host” Institutions

For the purpose of this directive

  1. Home institution shall refer to the University College Bedër in which a student is formally enrolled as a degree-seeking candidate; and
  2. Host institution shall refer to the institution agreeing to receive students from the Home institution for a pre-determined length of study on a non-degree seeking basis.


Article 3


University College Bedër students can apply to other higher education institutions or universitieswith which University College Bedër has bilateral or multilateral student exchange agreements.

The Provisions about the University College Bedër​ Students visiting Host University

Article 4

Students must consult with the academic advisor or head of department on the opportunities of student exchange and get the application form which has to be filling in and submitted to respective head of department.

All the students that apply to the exchange programs will be invited to the interviews.

Article 5

The interview results are announced by the department two days after the interviews. If there is an exceeding of quota, only the ones who have the highest GPA will be selected among the applicants.

Article 6

Academic Programme

The study plan of the courses that students will take in the host university is arranged and approved by the academic bodies of the home and host institutions reciprocally, and it is approved by the related faculty council.

Application forms required by University College Bedër have to be filled and approved before the student starts his/her education in the host university. This process has to be completed two weeks before the start of academic year at the host university.

Students cannot demand anything for the lost time and disapproved courses which are not approved by the related faculty councils. Each student has to complete necessary academic and financial documents before the exchange program starts.

Article 7

Courses Recognition from the Host Institution

The purpose of each student exchange is intended to enable students to take classes at the Host institution.

Courses successfully completed at the Host institution will normally be accepted for credit towards the degree at the student’s Home institution. It will be the responsibility of each student participant in the exchange Program to obtain pre-approval from his/her Home institution’s designee for courses taken at the Host institution to determine whether the courses are a part of his/her required degree-path curriculum and/or what credit will be available

Article 8

Required Documents

Applicants are supposed to hand over the following documents to the International Relations Offices:

  1. Two copies of application form
  2. A certificate of student status in English language;
  3. Two copies of transcript in English certified by the home university
  4. One health certificate (effective during 6 months)
  5. Two photocopies of passport
  6. Documented evidence of sufficient financial support
  7. Others

Article 9

Admission Requirement

The Host institution should screen students for academic eligibility and likelihood of a successful term abroad. All students must complete the normal application for admission requirements set forth for all students by the Host institution.

Each party will respect the admission requirements and enrollment constraints of the Host institution. Student exchange participants are subject to the standard rules, regulations, and enrollment and academic pre-requisites of the Host institution in the selection of courses. The Host institution will have the authority to make the final decisions on exchange students’ admission.

Host University reserves the right to reject candidates, in which case further candidates may be proposed.

Article 10

Duration of Exchange Education

The duration that the student has spent at the hosting University, is regarded as part of the education period at University College Bedër.

However, the student's right of taking permissions and freezing their registrations are reserved according to the rules of Regulation for the First Study Cycle.

Article 11

On the condition that a student applies to a university which University College Bedër has made bilateral agreement with, the duration of the accommodation cannot be more than that is described on the bilateral agreement. If there is no specified time, the duration of the accommodation is two semesters for exchange students and four semesters for dual degree students.

Article 12


Students must fulfill all obligations of registration at their own institutions as well as the visited institutions.

Article 13

Tuition and Fees

Tuition fees are determined in accordance to the bilateral agreements by the University.

The Provisions about the Students Visiting University College Bedër​

Article 14

The students who apply to University College Bedër undergraduate programs for student exchange are subject to rules of bilateral agreement.

Education time spent at University College Bedër cannot be more than the determined time span as it is expressed in the agreement.

Article 15

Identity Card

A written proof of student identity, which is noted over ‘International Student’, is given to students who come to University College Bedër after theircourse registrations.

These students have the right to use University College Bedër facilities as other students of the University College Bedër.

Article 16

Student Records

Incoming and outgoing students' files and records are tracked and stored by the student affairs office. Records of the student affairs office are considered to be first essential records in the case of any correspondence and dispute.

Article 17

Visa Support Services

Students shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary visas and otherwise complying with all immigration laws and regulations of the country of the Host institution. The Host institution shall cooperate in such efforts, but shall not have any responsibility to assure the granting of any visas, permits or approvals.

The Host institution will reasonably assist incoming exchange students in obtaining visas and other documents required by the Host country government immigration authorities to the extent permitted by law.

Final Provision

Article 17


This directive takes effect after the Senate’s approval.

Article 18

This directive shall enter into force after the Senate decision.

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